ICV Around the World


ICVolunteers-Switzerland is the Swiss branch of ICVolunteers. Historically, the Swiss office is the cradle of the whole organization. It started in 1997 when Viola Krebs recruited the first volunteers for the 12th World AIDS Conference. Following this success, "International Conference Volunteers (ICV)" was founded in Geneva in 1999 to provide a permanent structure for our work.

ICVolunteers-Switzerland recruits, trains and coordinates volunteers for non-profit conferences, events and projects. We also offer competent organizational and management services to events and projects.

ICVolunteers-Switzerland provides motivated individuals with unique opportunities to support organizations in need in local, national and international settings. By offering their time and skills, volunteers share their knowledge and strengths with those who need them, while acquiring new expertise that benefits them both personally and professionally.

In addition, ICVolunteers-Switzerland plays an important role in the field of volunteerism by promoting civic commitment and involvement, and by providing leadership and links between organizations, individuals and communities.

As ICVolunteers has grown, our activities have become more decentralized.  Since October 2005, the Geneva office is also the headquarters of the international ICVolunteers Federation.


Since its foundation, ICVolunteers has implemented over 200 projects. ICVolunteers-Switzerland will continue to work to help produce local, national and international conferences and events on today's most important social, humanitarian, environmental and scientific issues. The organization contributes to enhance the image of Geneva by providing volunteers who often are in the front row to welcome and help delegates from all over the world efficiently. We also offer the local population the possibility to get involved in the international community and help them become aware of problems of global concern.

ICVolunteers-Switzerland will also pursue the mobilization of volunteers for projects linked to Information and Communications Technologies.

Some past key projects of the Swiss office include the worlds AIDS Conferences, the UN Social Summit, the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS), the Commission on Human Rights, conferences organized by the Cantonal Hospital of Geneva and different universities, work with the Landmine Survivors Network and many more. See ongoing projects...


ICVolunteers offers internships and a wide range of activities for non-profit events and conferences.


The Project Management Team deals with day-to-day operations.


ICVolunteers-Switzerland, 104, rue de Carouge, Case postale 755, 1211 Geneva, Switzerland
Tel.: +41 (0) 22 800 14 36 / Fax: +41 (0) 22 800 14 37
Email: info@icvolunteers.org

©1998-2025 ICVolunteers|design + programming mcart group|Updated: 2019-01-28 10:52 GMT|Privacy|