ICVolunteers’ GreenVoice Programme wins WSIS e-Environment Prize

Green Voice exhibition, 18 July to 28 August 2011, Geneva, Wilson Quai
Green Voice exhibition, 18 July to 28 August 2011, Geneva, Wilson Quai
Safe Planet, May 2012
25 May 2012

ICVolunteers’ GreenVoice Programme has gathered over 1,000 photos from nearly 100 countries around the world, expressing different viewpoints on the environment and our planet. In preparation for Rio+20, the UN Conference on Sustainable Development, ICVolunteers launched the 4th GreenVoice photographic contest on the theme “Sustainable Development, Sustainable Energy, Citizenship and Volunteerism”. The exhibition was held on Lac Leman from July to August 2011. The UNEP secretariats of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions and Friends of Safe Planet helped to support the exhibition.

In May 2012, ICVolunteers’ GreenVoice was awarded the WSIS e-Environment Project Prize by ITU Secretary-General Dr Hamadoun Touré at the World Summit on the Information Society Forum, in Geneva.

GreenVoice also educates children about sustainability in hands-on exercises and excursions to La Voirie, the recycling and waste management center in Geneva. Read more about the GreenVoice award in WSIS Stocktaking: Success Stories 2012

Learn more information about GreenVoice educational activities of ICVolunteers here.

Source: http://www.safepla.net/event_icv.html

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