IYV+10 Follow-Up Stakeholder Consultation

L. Swai, K. Lemba, traducción española Diego Beamonte
20 December 2007

On 13 December 2007, United Nations Volunteers programme (www.unvolunteers.org) and the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent (www.ifrc.org) co-hosted a workshop bringing together representatives from various volunteer organizations to brainstorm about the upcoming celebration of the International Year of Volunteers +10 (IYV+10).

Among the participating organizations were the World Alliance for Citizen Participation (CIVICUS) (www.civicus.org), European Volunteer Center (CEV) (www.cev.be), International Association for Volunteer Effort (IAVE) (www.iave.org), Coordinating Committee for International Voluntary Service (CCIVS) (www.unesco.org/ccivs/), ATD Quart Monde (www.atd-fourthworld.org), ICVolunteers...

The purpose of this workshop was to consult with a representative group of stakeholders in volunteerism drawn from civil society, the private sector and the research community, on how the International Year of Volunteers + 10 (IYV+10) could be marked, ten years after a successful IYV in 2001. Also discussed among a selected group of organizations with global networks, were options for moving ahead with documentation for the UN General Assembly on the post IYV status.

Some of the important points that arose in the brainstorming sessions included:

  • Volunteerism imaging and recognition
  • Celebration and events for IYV+10
  • Corporate volunteering - recognition of skills acquired, benefits of volunteering
  • Legislation and policy support - governments, policy makers
  • Strategic Forum in volunteering - research & data collection, impact assessment
  • Financial support - grant infrastructure
  • Volunteering as a form of therapy
  • Development of a Global Volunteer Status Report
  • Volunteer mobility (visa issues especially for those coming from South to North)

The workshop provided insights into similarities faced by various volunteer. As a growing volunteer organization, it will be important for ICVolunteers to positively mark IYV+10.

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