Perm Conference on Volunteerism for Social Transformation

Nazir Sunderji reporting from Moscow
Traduction française Camille Saadé, traducción española Jennifer Casado Gomez-Shallti
07 December 2012

Nazir Sunderji, Senior Advisor of ICVolunteers and speaker at the Perm, Russia, International Conference on Volunteerism for Social Transformation (5-6 December 2012) filed the following report.

"I am at the Moscow airport on the way back from a conference on volunteerism for social transformation.

The conference was held to mark the international day of volunteers, which was established by the UN in 1989. ICV presented a paper in the plenary of the conference on volunteerism as a means for territorial development.

We were also on the workshop panel discussion on popularization and the promotion of volunteerism by empowering a wide cross-section and engaging an as wide section of the population as possible.

The conference was attended by participants from 14 countries and from almost every region of the Federation. It was both interesting and informative on the nascent nature of organized volunteerism in Russia.

The projects and programs undertaken, conceived, driven by the young, dynamic, enthusiastic, extremely motivated individuals through Russia were both innovative and inspirational. They ranged from a number of issues from education from a healthier lifestyle, from social development to cultural promotion, from fulfilling or addressing the needs of the eldest to those of the youngest. One or two things that come to mind were a voluntary passport, which looks exactly like a passport which is an attestation of certification of number of hours and the tasks that a volunteer undertakes and also the competences that the person has acquired during this period. Another one was to establish a network of volunteers community, a little bit like Facebook, if you will, another program tries to match the volunteer aspirations to the needs of the organizations.

These and many many other subjects were discussed, volunteers from different parts of the country were recognized for their exemplary work, the business community, the public sector were all involved, in supporting and organization of the conference.

A full report is being prepared by the organizers of the conference and will be available for those who are interested. This is Nazir Sunderji from ICV at the Moscow Airport."


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