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ICVolunteers Projects Calendar

2nd Annual Meeting of the Global Humanitarian Forum

Photo © V. Krebs, Climate change victims speaking at the GHF's first Annual Meeting.
Photo © V. Krebs, Climate change victims speaking at the GHF's first Annual Meeting.

Project at a glance

Dates and Place

23 - 24 June 2009, Geneva, Switzerland


Global Humanitarian Forum (GHF)

Project details

Personally chaired by Kofi Annan, the 2009 Forum is the second edition of the Global Humanitarian Forum’s annual center piece event. It will be held from Tuesday 23 to Wednesday 24 June 2009 in Geneva, Switzerland.

Over 400 high-level international participants from wide-raging sectors, including heads of state and government, ministers, and heads of major corporations, and development and humanitarian organizations will gather in the humanitarian capital, Geneva, for the event.

The Forum provides a unique international platform for multilateral dialogue. This independent, impartial, and informal venue for exchange unites in engaged debate leaders committed to making progress on humanitarian concerns from across the global society.

Key Focus Areas:

The 2009 Forum is focused on the human dimensions and impacts of climate change, in particular for international and development efforts.  The program covers four main areas:

  • Climate change and displacement of people
  • Adapting to climate impacts
  • Post-Kyoto: Copenhagen and beyond
  • New frontiers:  evolving responses

Volunteering Opportunities

ICVolunteers manages the volunteer program of this event. In this context, we are looking for volunteers for the period from 19 to 25 June 2009 for the following tasks:

Portfolio Filling: Friday, 19th June 2009

  • Preparing the portfolios that will be distributed to delegates

Airport Desk: Mon. 22nd -- Wed. 24th June 2009

  • Welcoming delegates
  • Guiding them to their hotel shuttles, designated drivers etc
  • Providing them with information regarding the event

Room Supervision: Tues. 23rd -- Thurs. 25th June 2009

  • Ensuring names tags of speakers and moderators are correct, as well as water
  • Guide delegates into plenary or break out sessions
  • Ensure that all special guests/delegates are seated in their places
  • Passing microphones during the Question & Answer Session

Gophers/Miscellaneous: Tues. 23rd -- Thurs. 25th June 2009

  • Assisting with various admin & other tasks at the conference venue
  • Need to be flexible and fast

Reception: Mon. 22nd -- Thurs. 24th June 2009

  • Info desk and answering to delegates/guests questions/queries
  • Guiding delegates to the various rooms in conference venue

2 Personal Interpreters: Tues. 23rd -- 25th June 2009

  • Russian into English for Russian speaking delegate

Volunteer briefing will be provided on the 4th June 2009 from 13-18h30

Interested in this opportunity?

  • Ãf you are not already, sign up following the registration link below
  • Send us your curriculum vitae (requested and to be submitted to organizers)
  • Indicate the volunteer task you’re interested in and your availability

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me either by email or by calling us on 022 800 1436. Email address: volunteer [at]

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