...more Projects - Welcome services & conference logistics

Preparation and logistics, welcome services and room supervision:

Tasks include preparation of a conference logistics, welcoming and assistance of delegates, supervisors rooms, translation and interpretation of events, writing and editing reports on conference sessions and the provision of multimedia support.

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Preparation for the Least Developed Countries (LDC) to the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS)

Preparation for the Least Developed Countries (LDC) to the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS)

31 December 2002 - 31 December 2003, Bamako, Mali
The use of New Information and Communication Technologies (NICT) has created a new global information society, from which four milliards people are currently excluded. More...
World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS)

World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS)

04 - 13 December 2003, Geneva, Switzerland
International Conference Volunteers (ICVolunteers) has been involved in the Summit since its early stages of preparation in May 2002, both at an operational level, recruiting, training and coordinating volunteers and also as the focal point of the WSIS Civil Society Bureau Volunteer Family. More...


11 - 14 November 2003, Geneva, Switzerland
Réunis à Genève pour la 8ème Conférence intercontinentale de l'association IMPACTS, les représentants de nombreuses villes ont réaffirmé la nécessité de promouvoir les déplacements à pied ou à vélo. More...
Prevention of dysbaric injuries in diving and hyperbaric work

Prevention of dysbaric injuries in diving and hyperbaric work

23 - 26 October 2003, Geneva, Switzerland
This projects consists of three distinctive parts: a) 6th Consensus Conference of the European Committee for Hyberbaric Medicine (ECHM) b) Scientific Congress of the Swiss Underwater and Hyperbaric Medical Society (SUHMS) c) Annual Meeting of Divers Alert Network (DAN) Oxygen Instructors of DAN Europe Swiss. More...
Click to Download faltpr_e_11.pdf (19.1K)
International Symposium on Volunteering and Development of Capacity in the Information Society (ISV 2003)

International Symposium on Volunteering and Development of Capacity in the Information Society (ISV 2003)

23 - 25 October 2003, Dakar, Senegal
The World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) -Geneva 2003 and Tunis 2005- will provide an opportunity to discuss issues raised by the emergence and current development of the Information Society. More...

Telecom Geneva: room to offer?

12 - 18 October 2003, Geneva, Switzerland
TELECOM is a world exhibition which takes place every four years in GENEVA; the next Telecom is planned for 12 to 18 October 2003. More...

50ème anniversaire du Centre John Knox

24 - 26 May 2003, Genève, Switzerland
Le Centre John Knox a célébré son 50ème anniversaire. More...

Training for Landmine Survivors

08 - 16 May 2003, Geneva, Switzerland
For several years the personal stories presented by landmine survivors have had a significant impact in reminding experts, diplomats and decision-makers of the human faces behind issues being discussed. More...
Concerts of CantareS

Concerts of CantareS

30 April 2003, Geneva, Switzerland
La Coral Iberamericana de Ginebra "CantareS" est un ensemble polyphonique mixte, ayant pour principal objectif de diffuser le vaste patrimoine musical iberoaméricain. More...
Anniversary of Earth Focus

Anniversary of Earth Focus

26 March 2003, Geneva, Switzerland
The Bellerive Foundation, in association with the International School of Geneva and the team who have worked on the magazine for young people, Earth Focus, was celebrating the tenth anniversary of the magazine in presence of Ms. More...

Conference "Social Challenge of Development"

26 - 28 February 2003, Geneva, Switzerland
The aim of this conference is to exchange ideas linked to "the social challenge of development", a theme that is also the subject of a RUIG research project. More...
Landmine Survivors Network Training

Landmine Survivors Network Training

01 - 08 February 2003, Geneva, Switzerland
For several years the personal stories presented by landmine survivors have had a significant impact in reminding experts, diplomats and decision-makers of the human faces behind issues being discussed. More...

Samedi du Partage

14 December 2002, Geneva, Switzerland
Each year, a collection of food items, baby care and hygienic products is organized at the entrance to supermarkets in Geneva, Switzerland. More...
Course de l'Escalade

Course de l'Escalade

07 December 2002, Geneva, Switzerland
Anyone looking for genuine Geneva folklore will not want to miss this event!. More...

Development through knowledge?

20 - 22 November 2002, Geneva, Switzerland
A current of thought has emerged in the past decade that awards priority to knowledge as a source of development. More...

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