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...more Projects - Welcome services & conference logistics

Preparation and logistics, welcome services and room supervision:

Tasks include preparation of a conference logistics, welcoming and assistance of delegates, supervisors rooms, translation and interpretation of events, writing and editing reports on conference sessions and the provision of multimedia support.

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20th International Union for Health Promotion & Education World Conference

20th International Union for Health Promotion & Education World Conference

11 - 15 July 2010, Geneva, Switzerland
Sorry, no summary is available. More...
6th Conference on Investigative Journalism

6th Conference on Investigative Journalism

22 - 25 April 2010, Geneva, Switzerland
The 6th Conference on Investigative Journalism will be held in Geneva from 22 to 25 April 2010. More...
General Assembly of the Mediterranean - Mare Nostrum Federation

General Assembly of the Mediterranean - Mare Nostrum Federation

24 April 2010, Barcelona, Spain
On April 24th the General Assembly of the Mediterranean - Mare Nostrum Federation was held in the Anteneu Barcelonès in Barcelona. More...
Geneva Health Forum 2010

Geneva Health Forum 2010

19 - 21 April 2010, Geneva, Switzerland
Health systems around the world are facing unprecedented challenges, many related to or exacerbated by globalization. More...
Global Issues Network Conference

Global Issues Network Conference

Working towards a more secure future
21 - 23 March 2010, Geneva, Switzerland
Le Global Issue Network (GIN) a pour mission de faire prendre conscience aux étudiants de leur potentiel commun et de les encourager à travailler avec leurs homologues internationaux afin de développer des solutions autour de problèmes globaux. More...
Rock for Haïti

Rock for Haïti

20 February 2010, Ferney Voltaire, France
Le Musiclub du CERN se mobilise et organise un concert caritatif pour les victimes du tremblement de terre en Haïti. More...

Access to Resources and the International Community

15th International Humanitarian Conference
18 - 19 February 2010, Geneva, Switzerland
Webster University, under the patronage of the Head of the Department of Foreign Affairs, Mrs. More...
Project 2048: Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Project 2048: Universal Declaration of Human Rights

10 December 2009, Geneva
Earthfocus, in collaboration with ICVolunteers, is organizing a Youth Debate around Project 2048: How can we make the Universal Declaration of Human Rights more relevant towards current issues? Which articles should be revised or added?. More...
General Assembly of the International Co-operative Alliances

General Assembly of the International Co-operative Alliances

15 - 20 November 2009, Geneva, Switzerland
The International Co-operative Alliances is an independent, non-governmental organisation which unites, represents and serves co-operatives worldwide. More...
Music as a Vector for Environmental Awareness

Music as a Vector for Environmental Awareness

01 October 2009, Geneva, Switzerland
Under the patronage of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), and with the support of the Swiss National Commission for UNESCO, the Melody for Dialogue among Civilizations Association (www. More...
Click to Download forum2009.pdf (462.7K)
Symposium International sur le Multilinguisme dans le Cyberespace

Symposium International sur le Multilinguisme dans le Cyberespace

29 - 30 September 2009, Barcelona, Spain
Le Symposium International sur le Multilinguisme dans le Cyberespace est construit autour d’un objectif: engager un débat sur les enjeux et les défis du cyberespace dans son rapport avec les langues. More...
First Global Ethics Forum

First Global Ethics Forum

"The Corporate Social Responsibility in times of crisis"
01 - 02 July 2009, Geneva, Switzerland
The first edition of the Global Ethics Forum was held at the Palais des Nations of the United Nations in Geneva on July 2nd & 3rd, 2009. More...
2nd Annual Meeting of the Global Humanitarian Forum

2nd Annual Meeting of the Global Humanitarian Forum

23 - 24 June 2009, Geneva, Switzerland
Personally chaired by Kofi Annan, the 2009 Forum is the second edition of the Global Humanitarian Forum’s annual center piece event. More...
Fête de la musique 2009

Fête de la musique 2009

19 - 21 June 2009, Geneva, Switzerland
The Fête de la Musique is a major event in Geneva's social life and allows the Genevan to meet. More...
8th International Security Forum

8th International Security Forum

“Coping with Global Changeâ€
18 - 21 May 2009, Geneva, Switzerland
At the beginning of the 21st century, the international security agenda is witnessing profound change. More...

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