...más Proyectos - Seminares & formación

In addition to training given to volunteers in the context of specific projects, ICVolunteers organizes capactiy building courses and participates in conferences for volunteers, professionals of the volunteers sector, as well as persons in professional reintegration on the following topics:
- volunteer management,
- reporting and applied use of languages,
- use of communication tools.

Encontramos resultados 80 entradas.

Info Session

Info Session

07 Mayo 2013, Suiza
You have free time and you are willing to get involved locally and internationally? ICV offers a wide range of volunteering activities in a variety of areas. Más...
Multistakeholder First WSIS+10 Review Event

Multistakeholder First WSIS+10 Review Event

27 Febrero 2013, Paris, Francia
As part of the WSIS+10 Review Event (25-27 February 2013), UNESCO has addressed, together with its partners, the major challenges in building Knowledge Societies for sustainable development. Más...
Pulse para descargar wsis_201302.pdf (228.8K)
Public debate on Pesticides and Farming Practices

Public debate on Pesticides and Farming Practices

09 Octubre 2012, Guédé-Chantier, Senegal
A public debate and the screening of two documentaries took place in Guédé-Chantier, Sénégal, on 9 October 2012. Más...
ICTs for Africa Roundtable

ICTs for Africa Roundtable

21 Septiembre 2012, Geneva, Suiza
On 21st September 2012, delegates from European and African countries met at the occasion of two roundtables to discuss the meaningful use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs). Más...
Talleres GreenVoice

Talleres GreenVoice

09 - 27 Julio 2012, Geneva, Suiza
Por tercer anho consecutive, GreenVoice, un programa de ICVoluntarios, organiza sus Talleres Medioambientales!. Más...
II Simposio Internacional sobre Multilingüismo en el Ciberespacio

II Simposio Internacional sobre Multilingüismo en el Ciberespacio

07 - 09 Noviembre 2011, Brasilia, Brasil
El II Simposio Internacional sobre Multilingüismo en el Ciberespacio (SIMC) se inscribe en un contexto internacional marcado por un interés creciente en las diversas dimensiones del multilingüismo, principalmente aquellas que se singularizan por la expansión de Internet en todos los dominios del conocimiento. Más...
Volunteering Opportunities in Geneva

Volunteering Opportunities in Geneva

03 Diciembre 2009, Geneva, Suiza
Are you new to Geneva? Are you between jobs right now? Do you need something more fulfilling in your life? Why not attend our next forum, "Volunteering Opportunities in Geneva" on 3 December 2009. Más...
Internet Governance Forum

Internet Governance Forum

Dynamic Coalition for Linguistic Diversity
17 Noviembre 2009, Sharm El Sheikh, Egipto
Objective of the Coalition:Created at Internet Governance Forum (IGF) in Rio de Janeiro (2007), the Dynamic Coalition for Linguistic Diversity of the IGF brings together actors interested in and working on the issue of linguistic diversity in cyberspace. Más...
Music as a Vector for Environmental Awareness

Music as a Vector for Environmental Awareness

01 Octubre 2009, Geneva, Suiza
Under the patronage of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), and with the support of the Swiss National Commission for UNESCO, the Melody for Dialogue among Civilizations Association (www. Más...
Pulse para descargar forum2009.pdf (462.7K)
Symposium International sur le Multilinguisme dans le Cyberespace

Symposium International sur le Multilinguisme dans le Cyberespace

29 - 30 Septiembre 2009, Barcelona, España
Le Symposium International sur le Multilinguisme dans le Cyberespace est construit autour d’un objectif: engager un débat sur les enjeux et les défis du cyberespace dans son rapport avec les langues. Más...
Pulse para descargar simc_programa_fr.pdf (415.2K)
Cybervolunteering and Innovative Educational ICT Initiative

Cybervolunteering and Innovative Educational ICT Initiative

04 Septiembre 2009, Monterrey, México
The aim of the workshop is to facilitate exchange around concrete ICT initiatives presented by young people from around the world. Más...
Asia@home: Volunteer Computing

Asia@home: Volunteer Computing

16 - 17 Abril 2009, Taipei, Taiwán
Volunteer computing is an established technology that enables ordinary citizens around the globe to contribute to important challenges in fundamental science and medicine, by providing idle time on their PCs and even partaking in data analysis via the Internet. Más...
Fair: Humanitarian & Solidarity Professions

Fair: Humanitarian & Solidarity Professions

28 - 30 Noviembre 2008, Annemasse, Francia
On 28-30th of November 2008, Annemasse will host the First Fair on Humanitarian and Solidarity Professions ever organised in France. Más...
Pulse para descargar metiers_hum08.pdf (1.3M)
Reunión Informativa de ICVoluntarios

Reunión Informativa de ICVoluntarios

24 Noviembre 2008, Ginebra, Suiza
Los voluntarios con los que cuenta ICVoluntarios proceden de unos cien países distintos y tienen orígenes y bagajes muy variados. Más...
World Peace Day: Concerts

World Peace Day: Concerts

19 - 21 Septiembre 2008, Genève, Suiza
A l'occasion de la Journée Mondiale de la Paix, GenevaWorld, organisation à but non lucratif basée à Genève, organise des concerts gratuits au Parc des Bastions. Más...

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