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Réunion du Réseau Mondial pour la Diversité Linguistique

Réunion du Réseau Mondial pour la Diversité Linguistique

19 - 20 February 2007, Barcelona, Spain
Créé lors de la deuxième phase du Sommet Mondial sur la Société de l'Information, le Réseau Mondial pour la Diversité Linguistique est un réseau multiacteur abordant les questions liées à la diversité linguistique. More...
Rester Br@nché pour durer

Rester Br@nché pour durer

18 January 2007, Geneva, Switzerland
Lecteurs MP3, téléphones portables, ordianteurs portables. More...
Swiss Students experience the Desert School of Ouladnagim

Swiss Students experience the Desert School of Ouladnagim

30 November -1, Mali, Guinea, South Africa, Uganda
I decided to be part of the UNESCO Group because I wanted to be part of a charitable project where I felt that I would really be helping someone, to know why and to do as much as possible to achieve this. More...
Volunteer Internship for IT Specialists

Volunteer Internship for IT Specialists

11 January 2006 - 11 January 2007, Geneva / Prévessin, Switzerland
We are looking for volunteers with computer skills and ideally knowledge of Linux. More...

Brazil: community projects in Rio de Janeiro

18 September 2005 - 18 December 2006, Brazil
Sao Gonçalo, in the State of Rio de Janeiro has 1. More...
Launch of Ouladnagim Tuareg Community Website

Launch of Ouladnagim Tuareg Community Website

21 August 2006, Timbuktu, Mali
The Ouladnagim Tuareg community of Timbuktu has now its own website: www. More...
Nuit de la Science 2006

Nuit de la Science 2006

08 - 09 July 2006, Geneva, Switzerland
For the sixth time in its history, the Night of Science connects science and culture in the Perle du Lac Park. More...
African Web Language Survey Workshop

African Web Language Survey Workshop

26 - 28 June 2006, Bamako, Mali
The Language Observatory (Japan), the African Academy of Languages (ACALAN) and Linguasphere Observatory (UK) have been collaborating on a African Web Languages Survey Project since the Tunis phase of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS), held from 14-18 November 2005. More...


11 - 15 May 2006, Sevilla, Spain
e-STAS is an international and multisectorial event where all the people involved in the development and implementation of information and communication technologies (ICTs) share experience and knowledge in order to bridge the digital divide. More...

Global Symposium on Promoting the Multilingual Internet

Presentation on the World Network for Linguistic Diversity (WNLD)
09 - 11 May 2006, International Conference Center of Geneva (ICCG), Switzerland
ITU (International Telecommunication Union) and UNESCO were convening the Global Symposium on Promoting the Multilingual Internet as a follow-up of Phase 2 of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS). More...
First Tuesday: Les nouvelles formes d'engagement citoyen et de volontariat

First Tuesday: Les nouvelles formes d'engagement citoyen et de volontariat

27 April 2006, Lausanne, Switzerland
Le cybervolontariat et le volontariat d'entreprise (corporate volunteering) comme passerelle pour le développement. More...
CyberVolunteering for Africa@home

CyberVolunteering for Africa@home

13 April 2006, Bamako, Mali
Internet et les nouveaux outils de calculs scientifiques : vers un partage des ressources numériques. More...
South Africa: Cape Town Volunteer Center

South Africa: Cape Town Volunteer Center

10 January - 10 June 2006, South Africa
The Cape Town Volunteer Center works with volunteers and community organizations in the Cape Town region. More...
World Network for Linguistic Diversity

World Network for Linguistic Diversity

06 March 2008 - 30 November -1
Maaya -- the World Network for Linguistic Diversity -- is a multilateral network created to contribute to the enhancement and promotion of linguistic diversity in the world. More...
Click to Download maaya_br_en.pdf (138.5K)
E-Gouvernance Locale au Mali

E-Gouvernance Locale au Mali

01 March 2004 - 31 December 2005, Bamako, Mali
To bring the local authorities of Mali up to speed in information and communication technologies (ICTs), the Malian government and international development organizations, including the United Nations, have put forth an initiative called 'e-governance Mali'. More...

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