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WSIS Volunteer Family

12 December 2003 - 12 December 2005
The World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) -- Geneva 2003 and Tunis 2005 --provides an opportunity to discuss issues raised by the emergence and current development of the Information Society. More...

PrepCom 3 of the World Summit on the Information Society

18 - 30 September 2005, Geneva, Switzerland
The World Summit on the Information Society --Geneva 2003 and Tunis 2005-- provides an opportunity to discuss issues raised by the emergence and current development of the Information Society. More...

Africa@home: Worldwide computing resources to fight the malaria epidemiology

01 September 2005, Bamako, Yaoundé, Genève
Malaria causes about 500 million clinical attacks each year, and over a million deaths, mainly in sub-Saharan Africa. More...

Republic of Congo: ICT Capacity Building Centers for Women

16 August 2005 - 16 August 2006, Congo, Republic of the
The use of ICTs for development and the social changes triggered by associations and NGOs contribute to the reduction of poverty. More...
World Summit on the Information Society

World Summit on the Information Society

15 - 19 November 2005, Tunis, Tunisia
The World Summit on the Information Society --Geneva 2003 and Tunis 2005-- provides an opportunity to discuss issues raised by the emergence and current development of the Information Society. More...
Community Informatics Research Network (CIRN)

Community Informatics Research Network (CIRN)

23 - 26 August 2005, Cape Town, South Africa
CIRN2005, the second annual conference of the Community Informatics Research Network, attracted over 200 international and local delegates to Cape Town. More...
Conférence régionale ministérielle de l'Amérique latine et des Caraïbes pour la deuxième phase du Sommet Mondial sur la Société de l'Information

Conférence régionale ministérielle de l'Amérique latine et des Caraïbes pour la deuxième phase du Sommet Mondial sur la Société de l'Information

Réunion du Caucus des Jeunes et de la Famille des Volontaires
08 - 10 June 2005, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Le 9 juin 2005, le Caucus des Jeunes et la Famille des Volontaires se sont réunis. More...
Symposium: Link Research on Information and Communication Technologies to Development

Symposium: Link Research on Information and Communication Technologies to Development

16 - 17 May 2005, Brazzaville, Congo, Republic of the
Students, researchers, professors, leaders of community projects, government and private sector representatives gathered in Brazzaville, Republic of Congo, between May 16 and May 17, 2005 for a workshop and a symposium on the theme of linking research on information and communication technologies (ICTs) to development. More...
I Jornadas sobre Participación social y nuevas Tecnologías: Cibervoluntariado y Ciberactivismo

I Jornadas sobre Participación social y nuevas Tecnologías: Cibervoluntariado y Ciberactivismo

06 - 07 May 2005, Almería, Spain
Objective. The main objectives of the Conference were to demonstrate the possibilities and experiences offered by new technologies. It also was aimed at encouraging the students of the University of Almeria to use these new tools, as well as to showing associations and social volunteer organizations that the use of new technologies can stimulate or even increase the participation of both members and volunteers. More...
Launch of national working group on "Volunteerism, Youth and ICTs" in Mali

Launch of national working group on "Volunteerism, Youth and ICTs" in Mali

24 March 2005, Bamako, Mali
The World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS), which is held in two phases (Geneva 2003 and Tunis 2005), is the first summit of the United Nations to discuss issues related to the emergence and the actual development of the information society. More...

Montreal International Forum (FIM)

29 May - 01 June 2005, Montreal, Canada
The Montreal International Forum (FIM) is an international non-governmental think tank whose goal is to increase the influence of intentional civil society on the United Nations and other multilateral institutions including the World Trade Organization, the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. More...
World Summit on the Information Society PrepCom II

World Summit on the Information Society PrepCom II

17 - 25 February 2005, Geneva, Switzerland
The World Summit on the Information Society --Geneva 2003 and Tunis 2005-- provides an opportunity to discuss issues raised by the emergence and current development of the Information Society. More...

Cyber-Volunteers Program Fundraising and Information Evening

26 January 2005, Geneva, Switzerland
ICVolunteers would like to call on you as a friend to make its new Cyber-Volunteers Program a success. More...
WSIS African Regional Preparatory Conference for the WSIS

WSIS African Regional Preparatory Conference for the WSIS

01 - 04 February 2005, Accra, Ghana
The African Regional Preparatory Conference for the WSIS,in Accra, with the theme "Access? Africa's key to an inclusive Information Society" will prepare Africa for an effective participation in the second phase of the WSIS to ensure a strategic and interdependent digital partnership that will promote economic growth and human development of the continent. More...
World Summit on the Information Society Civil Society Bureau Meeting

World Summit on the Information Society Civil Society Bureau Meeting

05 - 06 December 2004, Cape Town, South Africa
The World Summit on the Information Society?Geneva 2003 and Tunis 2005? provides an opportunity to discuss issues raised by the emergence and current development of the Information Society. More...

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