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World Civil Society Forum (WCSF 2002)

World Civil Society Forum (WCSF 2002)

08 - 20 July 2002, Geneva, Switzerland
The Forum aimed to facilitate and strengthen cooperation between civil society (NGOs, indigenous peoples, research centers, etc. More...

PrepCom I of the World Summit on the Information Society

01 - 05 July 2002, Geneva, Switzerland
On 21 December 2001, the UN General Assembly Resolution 56/183 endorsed the framework for the Summit adopted by the ITU Council. More...

WebForce Forum 2002

06 - 08 May 2002, Geneva, Switzerland
Today, 80% of the Internet users are located in developed countries. More...
International Symposium on Volunteering

International Symposium on Volunteering

18 - 21 November 2001, Geneva, Switzerland
The year 2001, proclaimed International Year of Volunteers (IYV 2001) by the United Nations, provides a timely opportunity to highlight the achievements of millions of volunteers worldwide. More...
Preparatory Meeting of the World Civil Society Forum

Preparatory Meeting of the World Civil Society Forum

18 - 20 July 2001, Geneva, Switzerland
The World Civil Society Forum intends to facilitate cooperation among NGOs, Indigenous peoples organizations, the UN system and other international organizations. More...

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