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Acute Cardiovascular Care 2014

Acute Cardiovascular Care 2014

17 - 20 Octubre 2014, Geneva, Suiza
The Third Annual Congress of the Acute Cardiovascular Care Association will bring together both young cardiologists and renowned experts around its main theme: “Highly vulnerable patient”. Más...
AgriGuide, seminar Hepia

AgriGuide, seminar Hepia

12 - 21 Mayo 2014, Suiza
As part of their curriculum, students from the University of Applied Sciences of Western Switzerland, technology, architecture and landscape (hepia in Geneva), analyzed the content of the AgriGuide in order to propose concrete suggestions on how to improve it. Más...
Coalition Nationale des Jeunes Volontaires pour le Développement

Coalition Nationale des Jeunes Volontaires pour le Développement

26 Marcha 2014, Mopti, Bamako, Mali
La Coalition Nationale des Jeunes Volontaires Pour le Développement a procédé à la formation de 350 jeunes sélectionnés sur l’outil informatique et l’internet. Más...


18 - 23 Marcha 2014, Geneva, Suiza
CinéGlobe is the international festival of short films inspired by science, that takes place every two years at CERN, in the Globe of Science and Innovation. Más...
Exposition GreenVoice

Exposition GreenVoice

Centre d'animation Maurice Ravel
02 Septiembre - 10 Octubre 2013, Paris, Francia
"Regards croisés : environnement, citoyenneté, volontariat". Más...
Africa Roundtable September 2013

Africa Roundtable September 2013

18 Septiembre 2013
The Africa Roundtable is an initiative of Kabissa to organize events to bring together people with a mutual interest in Africa for networking and to learn from featured speakers. Más...

Montessori Model United Nations

05 - 08 Junio 2013
The Montessori Model United Nations (“MMUN”) is a not for profit organization that supports the work of the United Nations through the introduction of a Peace Curriculum into schools and the conducting of student-led conferences that address the issues then currently before the United Nations. Más...
WSIS Forum 2013

WSIS Forum 2013

13 - 17 Mayo 2013, Geneva, Suiza
The World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) Forum 2013 represents the world’s largest annual gathering of the ‘ICT for development’ community. Más...


03 Mayo 2013, Geneva, Suiza
TEDxCERN will take place on May 3rd, 2013 at CERN, near Geneva, Switzerland, and will be webcast live throughout many of CERN's member institutes. Más...
Employee Volunteering: IT and Social Media

Employee Volunteering: IT and Social Media

19 Abril 2013, Dublin, Irlanda, República de
Information Technologies (IT) and Social Media: Are useful for my employee volunteering program? Which IT solutions could support our program? Social Media: advantage or disadvantage. Más...
Multistakeholder First WSIS+10 Review Event

Multistakeholder First WSIS+10 Review Event

27 Febrero 2013, Paris, Francia
As part of the WSIS+10 Review Event (25-27 February 2013), UNESCO has addressed, together with its partners, the major challenges in building Knowledge Societies for sustainable development. Más...
Pulse para descargar wsis_201302.pdf (228.8K)
Cleantech, motor de empleo: ¿mito o realidad?

Cleantech, motor de empleo: ¿mito o realidad?

11 Diciembre 2012, Plan-les-Ouates, Suiza
En un mundo donde las cuestiones asociadas al medioambiente están cada vez más presentes, es necesario crear nuevos empleos verdes. Más...
Pulse para descargar cleantech_prg.pdf (664.1K)
Table ronde métiers cleantech

Table ronde métiers cleantech

06 Diciembre 2012, Genève, Suiza
Avons-nous les compétences nécessaires pour réaliser la transition vers l’économie verte? Telle est la question posée dans le cadre de cette table ronde organisée autour des métiers cleantech. Más...
III Simposio Internacional sobre el Multilingüismo en el Ciberespacio (SIMC)

III Simposio Internacional sobre el Multilingüismo en el Ciberespacio (SIMC)

21 - 23 Noviembre 2012, Paris, Francia
Como se ha resaltado repetidamente en la web Net. Más...
Pulse para descargar simc_2012_en.pdf (359.3K)
Public debate on Pesticides and Farming Practices

Public debate on Pesticides and Farming Practices

09 Octubre 2012, Guédé-Chantier, Senegal
A public debate and the screening of two documentaries took place in Guédé-Chantier, Sénégal, on 9 October 2012. Más...

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