e-STASProject at a glanceDates and Place11 - 15 May 2006, Sevilla, SpainIsa de la Cartuja OrganizersFundación Cibervoluntarios, ICVoluntarios, CEV ParticipantsA lo largo de estos cuatro dÃas participarán organizaciones, entidades, profesionales, universitarios y voluntarios de los cinco continentes. Project detailse-STAS is an international and multisectorial event where all the people involved in the development and implementation of information and communication technologies (ICTs) share experience and knowledge in order to bridge the digital divide. Its objective is to encourage, promote and adapt the use of ICTs for social action. The goal of e-STAS is to be the image "in situ" of the actions thousands of non-profit organisations are taking everyday in order to reach the main objectives of the conference.
BeneficiariesNGOs/tertiary sector To strengthen the benefits of the social action thanks to the innovation and the management services offered by volunteers working with ICTs within NGOs. To promote the essential role these volunteers are playing in building a society of information and knowledge accessible to everyone; to allow the most vulnerable populations to gain access to new technologies and use them (programs, projects and actions of NGOs are generally aimed to these communities). ThemesConceptual part: Goal: conception and exchange of ideas, building up projects in order to realise them and innovate.
Participants: NGO, businesses, academic community, administration, media. Work part:
The division between ideas and work is based on concepts defined by:
Access Index Projects part: Goal: to be an international reference for plans, programs and projects related to social action and new technologies; to be sure they work and are efficient. List of the main activities:
Everyone can participate External linkshttp://www.cibervoluntarios.es/e-stas2006/ Posted: 2006-3-08 Updated: 2007-1-25 |