John Balla Marah
I am John Balla Marah a Sierra Leonean by nationality. I am first born of five children from Kamaron in the Koinadugu district northern Sierra Leone. My father is called rev. Thamas Kulako Marah and my mother is called Sona Marah. I am currently the Project Coordinator working with a coalition called National Movement for Emanciaption and Progress(NaMEP). The coaltion is working on the eradication of harmful traditional practices such as early and forceful marriage especially female genital Mutilation in Sierra Leone which has led to the death of several girls and women.
— John, Sierra Leone
Irene Mateo
Je suis traductrice diplômée à l'université de Grenade et je suis en train d'achever ma formation de Post-grade en Traduction audiovisuelle de l'Université de Barcelone. J'aimerais bien mettre en pratique les connaissances acquises dans mes études dans le milieu social et dans un environnement multiculturel.
— Irene, Switzerland
My name is DAVID AMANKWAH from GHANA.I am IT Technician here .Am single and not yet marriage. Am happy to join the family here on this site.
— DAVID, Ghana
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